Posted on September 27, 2012
My Top 100: #79 – M.C. Kids
To this day, I’m not sure if this is game’s title is pronounced Emcee Kids or Mick Kids… either way, it’s one of those games that didn’t get a whole lot of attention, but is still quite fun to play.
I’ve heard M.C. Kids described as a “Mario Clone” by several reviewers on YouTube (you know, the pros………), and I’ve gotta say that I don’t quite understand why the term is used in a derogatory way. Sure, it shares a lot with Super Mario Bros. 3 in that it has vividly-coloured graphics, level maps, and an emphasis on exploration in each level to find secrets and progress through the game.
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, and M.C. Kids is unique enough to warrant a spot on this countdown.
*I hope nobody in the AVGN camp minds if this video is shared this way, but it’s a classic review from James, and I’m a big fan of his. He has since said that the review ended the way it did because he wasn’t satisfied with the way the review was going, since he actually thought it was a pretty decent game!*
If you haven’t already guessed by the box art, this game is a little bit of a McDonald’s cash-in. It was a no-brainer; a generic game based on characters from the most kid-friendly restaurant in the world. So long as they kept the gameplay fresh, they were sure to have a hit on their hands.
As it turned out, McDonald’s thought the end product was too difficult for their intended audience, and gave it very little promotion. In fact, here in Canada, I don’t recall ever seeing the slightest mention of the game at McD’s restaurants. Maybe they were too busy trying to convince people they could sell pizza at a burger joint… I dunno. Either way, they still released the game, and I still recall bringing it over to my friend Thomas’ place that first time I rented it.
Not to get too far off topic, but every summer, I was lucky enough to be “babysat” (I was 10-11 at the time) by Tom’s mother. Every day I was there was pretty much all about hanging out, playing games, baseball in the backyard, whatever. Tom liked all kinds of genres of video games, so I was able to discover some new favourites when I went to his place. I was also able to introduce him to some of my favourites, as well.
It doesn’t re-invent the wheel, but M.C. Kids gets the job done with great controls, nice visuals, good music… it also made me want McChicken Nuggets whenever I played it. Most delicious game EVER!